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Sulfur dioxide is created by the combustion of sulfur, sulfurous fuels (bunker oils, coal), the smelting of sulfide containing ores (pyrites) and hydrogen sulfide (usually as a waste/safety process).

Sulfer can also be emitted from diesel engines as a sulfate solid.

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) result from any combustion process where air and fuel are burned at the correct temperatures, the use of nitic acid in plan processes, fertilizer manufacturng and from lightning heating the air.

As an aside the sulfur in acid precipitation is in the form of H2SO3. In the same way the NOx compounds form assorted nitrogen acids.

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Q: Where do the nitrogen oxide and sulphar dioxide in acid rain come from syk d?
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How do the chemicals get in acid rain?

Through fossils fuels being burnt which release sulphar dioxide and/or nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere which then condenses in clouds to form acid rain. Less harmful and acidic acid rain is from carbon dioxide. This acid rain is present everywhere and happens naturally.

When sulphur oxide or nitric oxide is combined with moisture in the air then what is formed?

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide combine with water to make acid rain. Nitric oxide is neutral but is rapidly oxidised to nitrogen dioxide.

Name of acid formed when sulfur oxides mixes with rainwater?

I think it is Nitrogen Oxide. The nitrous oxide condenses with the rain to give the nitric acid, sulfur dioxide condenses with the rain to give sulfuric acid, carbon dioxide combines with the rain to give carbonic acid . These three acids constitute the acid rain.

When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are relished into the air they can case?

They are the cause of acid rains.

When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine with water in the atmosphere form what?

Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are obtained.

What reactions occur when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide react with water in the rain clouds?

When sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide reacts with rain water they produce sulphuric acid and nitric acid respectively, such rains are called acid rains.

As wastes such as carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide enter the air they dissolve and create acid rain?


Is nitrogen oxide an acid?

Nitrogen oxide is not considered an acid because it does not dissociate in water.

What are some items that are made out of nitrogen?

ammonia(Nitrogen+hydrogen) nitric acid nitrogen dioxide nitrous oxide amino acids & proteins cyanides

What is the cause of acid rain?

Acid rain is caused by certain types of pollution, most usually from sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

How are nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide involved in acid deposition?

These gases form acids (sulphuric and nitric acidsrespectively) by reacting with oxygen an water present in air the first rain of the season contains droplets of these acids and effect the all material which is hit by such rain.

Is nitrogen acidic oxide?

Nitrogen oxide is not considered an acid because it does not dissociate in water.