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Plants and trees

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Q: Where does most of her oxygen in the air come from?
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Where does oxygen in the air come from?


Where does most of the air huumans breath come from?

They come from plants. It is a cycle. (Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Cycle) When you breathe out you realse Carbon Dioxide and the plants sucks it in and relase oxygen and that is what we breathe in.

What molecule does oxygen come from?

in the air :0

Does air come from the sun?

No. Earth's atmosphere most likely originate from volcanic atmosphere. The oxygen is produced by plants.

What sources do oxygen come from?

air water trees

Where does the oxygen come from that reacts with the iron in a sparkler?

The air

What is most of the air you breathe?


Where does oxygen come from when burning wood?

From the atmosphere (air) surrounding the wood. The wood would not burn in a vacuum devoid of air. Air is composed of approximately 20% oxygen.

What percentage or fraction of air is pure oxygen What comprises the most of the rest?

21% of air is pure oxygen

How is oxygen in air replaced?

As the third most abundant element, oxygen in the air is made by plants and algae.

Where did the oxygen come from when the Hindenburg exploded?

from the air around the airship.

Where does the oxygen come from that is reacting with a piece of burning iron?

When oxygen is reacting with iron it generally comes from the air, but it can also come from oxygen disolved into water. There are other ways it can occur but I do not know these. But unless it is in a vacuum, the oxygen comes from the surrounding environment like air or water.