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=it is found somwher on the earth=

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Q: Where is metaconglomerate found on this earth?
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Related questions

What kind of rock is metaconglomerate?

Metaconglomerate is a metamorphis rock! :)

What is the original name of metaconglomerate?

"Metaconglomerate" is the name given to a conglomerate after undergoing metamorphism.

What is the scientific name for metaconglomerate rock?

Metamorphosed sedimentary conglomerate is referred to as metaconglomerate.

What rock group does metaconglomerate belong to?

Metaconglomerate is a "metamorphic" rock whose parent rock type was a sedimentary rock.

Is metaconglomerate an igneous rock?

No, metaconglomerate is a metamorphic rock, hence the "meta-" addition in front of the usually sedimentary rock conglomerate.

What is the parent of metaconglomerate?

Conglomerate Rock.

What is the parent rock of metaconglomerate?

Conglomerate Rock.

What does conglomerate change into after heat and pressure?


What rock is formed when conglomerate is transformed to metamorphic rock?

It is called metaconglomerate.

What is the protolith of meta conglomerate?

A conglomerate (sedimentary rock) is the protolith, or parent rock, of a metamorphic rock called a metaconglomerate.

What rock types are mineral rocks?

Granite, quartzite, marble, metaconglomerate, and many more rocks just to name a few. :-D

How is meta conglomerate different from conglomerate?

Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock that contains gravel-sized clasts. Metaconglomerate is conglomerate that has undergone metamorphism.