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I would say in a ditch or a hole deep in the ground, DO NOT GO IN AN UNDERPASS,I heard the tornado creates suction in the underpass and will suck you in.

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Q: Where is the best place to hide during a tornado outside?
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One of the best places to seek protection during a tornado is?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

Where is the best place for your dog during a tornado?

a horse needs a place to escape any thing that might hurt them during a tornado noo they can go in the basement or something with u if they have a place to escape then the tornado will kill them

What do you do during a tornado indoors?

hide in your bathroom! inside your tub will be the best place

Should you go to a parking garage during a tornado?

No, the best place to hide in a tornado is a place where there is no or a small amount of windows. Even better, a basement.

Where is one of the best places to seek protection durng a tornado?

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or storm cellar.

The best place to seek shelter during a tornado?

In the basement of a WELL built building.

Where is the best place to be if you are in a school during a tornado?

An interior bathroom or hallway away from windows.

What if you can't find a building and you're outside during a tornado?

Your best option is to lie down in a ditch or depression.

What is the safest corner of the room during a tornado?

There is no safest corner of a room. The best place to be in a tornado is in the center part of a building away from windows.

What is a safe place during a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is a basement or cellar. If you don't have one the find an interior room or hallway without windows if possible. A bathroom also provides good shelter.

Where is the best place to hid in your basement during a tornado?

Near any really solid structure;

What are the top three places to hide during a tornado?

The best places to take cover in a tornado areIn a basement or cellarIn a windowless room or hallway near the center of a house on the lowest floor.A bathroom