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I want to know. But I'm 100% sure they start underground err...yeah

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

The location underground where an earthquake starts is called the focus or hypocenter. It is the point within the Earth where the fault rupture begins and energy is released, generating seismic waves that propagate to the surface, causing an earthquake.

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Q: Where is the location underground where an earthquake starts?
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Because a earthquake isn't a mountain.. A earthquake starts to happen underground then is on top.

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What is the spot directly above the focus where an earthquakes occurs?

The spot directly above the focus where an earthquake occurs is called the epicenter. This is the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the underground location where the earthquake starts, known as the focus or hypocenter.

What mean earthquake focus?

asw2. The epicentre is the underground location of the earthquake, and the focus is the point on the surface directly above the epicentre.

What is the place where an earthquake starts is called?

The place where an earthquake starts is called the focus or hypocenter. This is the underground point where the seismic energy is released and the earthquake initiates.

What is also known as the 'focus' - the place underground where an earthquake originates?

The point underground where an earthquake originates is known as the hypocenter or the focus. This is the specific location within the Earth's crust where the seismic energy is released, leading to the generation of seismic waves that cause the earthquake.

What is The point underground where the earthquake start?

This is known as the focus or hypocentre of an earthquake.

What is the point underground where earthquake's movement first takes place is called the?

The point underground where an earthquake's movement first takes place is called the focus or hypocenter. This is the initial location where the seismic waves originate and spread outwards through the Earth.

The point directly above the focus of a quake?

The point directly above the focus of an earthquake is known as the epicenter. It is the location on the Earth's surface vertically above where the earthquake originated underground.

Where is the location on earth's surface above the point where earthquakes start?

The location on Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake starts is known as the epicenter. This point is usually where the seismic waves are first detected and is typically used to determine the location of the earthquake.

What is an underground center of an earthquake?

An earthquake's epicentre is on the Earth's surface, directly above the underground hypocentre or focus.

What is the name given to the point within the earth where an earthquake rupture starts?

The term for the point within the Earth where an earthquake rupture starts is the "focus" or "hypocenter." It is the initial point of energy release underground that generates seismic waves.