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Group 15, over to the right.

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Q: Where is the nitrogen family located on the periodic table?
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Where is Nitrogen family located at the periodic table?

Nitrogen is in group 15 on the periodic table. Nitrogen is in group 15 (and period 2).

On the periodic table which chemical family is Aluminium located in?

Aluminium is located in the Group IIIA - the Boron family on the periodic table.

What does 'N' Stand for in the periodic table?

N stands for Nitrogen on the periodic table.

What family is nitrogen?

gas, group 5 on the periodic table, nonmetal.

What row is arsenic in on the periodic table?

On a standard periodic table, Arsenic (As) is in Row 4, Column 15.

Does nitrogen belongs to the halogen family?

Nitrogen is not a halogen; nitrogen is a pnictide, group 15 and period 2 in the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the charge of nitrogen gas?

-3 because it is located in the 5th group of the periodic table.

What group nitrogen belong?

Nitrogen is in group 15 on the periodic table. The vertical columns on the periodic table are called groups or sometimes families.Nitrogen is in group 15 (and period 2).

What family on the periodic table is nitrogen in?

Group 15, the formal name being the Pnictogens. Group 15 was formerly called Group V or VA.

What is a non-metal and where is it located on the periodic table?

Non-metals are on the right side of the periodic table. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, sulfur, etc are nonmetals.

Where is uranium located on the periodic table?

Uranium is in the family of actinoids.

Where in the periodic table is nitrogen found?

Nitrogen can be found in the 1st period of group 15 elements in the periodic table.