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were is the inner core located

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Q: Where is the outer core located at?
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Where the outer core is locate?

the outer core is located next to the innner core

What is located benith the surface of the earth?

the earth core (outer core)

What is the outer core of the earth is made up of?

the earth's outer core is believed to be a liquid from what scientists infer about it. It is located above the iner core.

Where is the outer core of the earth located?

Between the inner core and lowwer mantle.

Where is the outercore located?

here is the sequence: crust mantle outer core inner core

lehmann discontinuity?

located between the liquid outer core and solid inner core

What is earth's outer core made up of?

The earth's outer core consists of a liquid layer of lave made up of nickel and iron. The thickness of this layer is 1,408 miles. The outer core is located below the mantle.

What is the earth's outer core made up of?

The Earth's inner core is made of solid iron and nickel, like the outer core, though the outer core has MOLTEN iron and nickel for its contents.

Examples of the outer core?

The outer core is hotter then the inner core

What is main difference between inner and outer core of earth?

The inner core is located below the outer core with a reasonably higher temperature. The outer core also contains elements such as liquid iron and nickel while the inner core has others. Sorry if I am not being giving a huge amount of details.

What is located outside the inner core?

well i learnt this in yr 5 when i did a project the crust is what we walk on then theres the mantle below the crust then there is the outer core which is below the mantle then there is the inner core which is in the centre of the earth so the answer to your question would be 'the outer core'

Does the inter core have more pressure then the outer core?

Yes, Inter core has more pressure than outer core and that's why outer core is solid, because there is not enough pressure in outer core.