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As of November 9, 2012 the last large tornado to hit the U.S. occurred northwest of the town of Newton, Mississippi. The tornado was rated EF3 and got up to half a mile wide.

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Q: Where was the last large tornado in the US?
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When did the last tornado occur?

for us June 1, 2007 Google search muscatine tornado

What was the last time an f5 tornado hit Iowa?

The last F5 or EF5 tornado in Iowa was on May 25, 2008 when a large tornado caused EF5 damage in the towns of Parkersburg and New Hartford, Iowa.

Is tornado alley real?

Yes. Tornado Alley is a region in the US with very high tornado activity. It takes up a large portion of the Great Plains.

How many tornado deaths last year in the US?

In 2011 there were 552 tornado fatalities in the United States, tying it as the second deadliest tornado year in U.S. history.

When was the last big tornado in the US?

The most recent large tornadoes in the United States, as of October 28, 2013, occurred on October 4. Several large tornadoes touched down across parts of Nebraska and Iowa.

How many people were killed in the last fatal tornado to hit the US?

As of November 23, 2015 the last fatal tornado in the US killed one person near Cameron, Texas on May 25. It was rated EF2.

What was the last date of a tornado in 2014?

The last tornadoes in the US in 2014 struck southeastern Texas on December 27.

When was the last tornado in Seattle?

The last tornado to hit Seattle was in 1971.

What don't scientists know about tornadoes?

Scientists are still not sure how exactly a thunderstorm produces a tornado or why one storm will produce a tornado while another won't. They are still not sure what determines how strong or how large a tornado will be or how long it will last.

How many people were killed in the latest US tornado?

As of August 24, 2013 the most recent tornado in the United States, which ocurred on August 18, did not result in any deaths. This is not surprising, as 98% of tornadoes in the US are not killers. The last killer tornado in the US was an EF1 in Iowa on June 24, which killed 1 person.

What was the last tornado that hit the US?

As of January 17, 2013 the last tornado in the U.S. was an EF1 near Poplarville, Mississippi on January 13. It was one of four weak tornadoes to occur in the southern U.s. that day.

What is stronger a small skinny tornado or a large tornado?

Generally large tornadoes are stronger but that is not always the case.