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Q: Where would clouds and precipitation form in each type of occluded front?
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What kind of weather would an occluded front likely bring?

An occluded front would likely bring cold and dry weather.

What do occluded fronts bring?

Well, occluded fronts occur when a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses. So, the type of weather it brings would be clouds, and precipitation, so that would make the forecast partly cloudy with a chance of rain. Hope this helped:) - Your Average Advanced-Content 6th Grader

What kinds of front would an occluded front bring?

An occluded front would bring colder weather. This type of front occurs when a cold front and warm front meet up with one another. The result is the cold air is pushed down.

What would happend if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

We wouldn't have any clouds or precipitation!

What would a cold air mass trapped between two air mass would be what type of front?

This would be an occluded front. IT is not necessarily a storm but a front of cool air overtaking a moving warm air front.

Does Mercury have clouds?

Mercury does not have clouds because its to close to the SUN.

What type of clouds would you find in the low levels of the atmosphere?

Low clouds are no higher than 2000 meters. Clouds which belong to this group include stratus clouds, nimbostratus clouds, and stratocumulus clouds. Varying amounts of precipitation are associated with these clouds.

What clouds would form rain?

Clouds that include the name "nimbus" tend to be the ones that create precipitation. Nimbostratus clouds create falling rain and snow, while cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunderstorms.

How would you describe precipitation?

any form of water that falls from the clouds and reaches earth surface

Which type of precipitation would likely be falling from cumulus clouds with a ground air temperature of 14 C?

Ice crystals and snow pellets are the types pf precipitation that would likely be from the falling cumulus clouds with a ground air temperature of 14 C.

Is any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches the ground?

In solid form: sleet, hail, snow In liquid form: rain, drizzle, fog

Which type of frontmay form when cool air cold air and warm air meets?

An occluded front would occur.