

Which Mineral is flat and flaky?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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micas such as muscovite, biotite

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Q: Which Mineral is flat and flaky?
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Mica forms flat prisms that readily brakes into flakes.

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Flat mineral with flaky cleavage?

Biotite Mica would fit this category as would Muscovite, native to Russia as the name implied. (Sheets) oif semi-transparent mica can be peeled right off. the mineral is useful in electrical condensers and also as a form of glass substitute that is heat-resistant, called Isinglass. it is neither Eisen-(Iron) nor Glass, but the name stuck.

What is the difference between mineral cleavage and mineral fracture.?

Cleavage is the breaking of a mineral along flat surfaces. Fracture, on the hand is just the chipping or "fracture" of a mineral.Cleavage is the tendency to break along flat surfaces, and fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break into irregular pieces.

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Elephant ears are flaky, flat, crisp, cinnamon-coated bread. Almost like a giant cookie!

Why a mineral such as topaz can display both cleavage and fracture?

Cleavage is when a mineral breaks into flat pieces. Fracture is when a mineral breaks into irregular pieces. Topaz atom bonds are weaker in some parts and stronger in others. When it is equally strong then it breaks into irregular pieces and if it all weak in a flat line then it will be flat.

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