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The bond between phosphorus and fluorine atoms is more polar than the bond between phosphorus and chlorine atoms.

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Q: Which bond is more polar a phosphorus fcholrine bond or a phosphorus fluorine bond?
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Can fluorine ever form a non polar covalent bond?

Yes, fluorine can form a non polar bond, only with another fluorine atom, in fact fluorine gas.

What type of chemical bond does phosphorus and fluorine form?

It forms a covalent bond.

Is the H-F bond polar?

The bond between hydrogen and fluorine is polar covalent.

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Is the bond between fluorine and chlorine nonpolar covalent?

The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and for fluorine it is 3.98. The difference in electronegativities is 0.54, so the bond between fluorine and oxygen is polar covalent.

Is 0-F polar or non polar?

the Oxygen-Fluorine bond is polar, as the fluorine is more electronegative than the Oxygen, the Fluorine would be the negative side

Is a molecule of fluorine polar?

No. Fluorine is an element. Two atoms of the same element will not form a polar bond because there is no difference in electronegativity.

Is fluorine molecule polar molecule?

No. Fluorine is an element. Two atoms of the same element will not form a polar bond because there is no difference in electronegativity.

What kind of bond is Carbon and Fluorine?

Polar covalent bond. Due to fluorine´s high electronegativity, the bond has a significant dipole moment. This bond is the strongest bond that can be formed in organic chemistry.

What type of bonds does phosphorus and fluorine make?

Because both phosphorus and fluorine are nonmetals and have a low electronegativity difference, they will make a covalent bond with each other - if that's what you're asking.

Most polar bond carbon to fluorine carbon to nitrogen carbon to oxygen or carbon to hydrogen?

Carbon to fluorine.

What bond type does fluorine have?

Fluorine atoms have a covalent bond between each other to form a covalent molecule. Fluorine bonded to a metal will have ionic bonds. Fluorine bonded to a non-meatl will have polar covalent bonding.