

Which cloud has the highest base?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Which cloud has the highest base?
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Is the dark base of a tornado called the wall cloud?

No, the wall cloud is a lowered section of the cloud base from which a tornado or funnel cloud descends. The dark cloud at the base of a tornado is called the debris cloud.

What is the highest cloud called?

Cirrocumulus, cirrus and cirrostratus. You can count cumulonimbus too, but they have a low base bu the top can reach as high as the cirrus clouds

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What is the wall cloud in a tornado?

The wall cloud is a large section of cloud extending down from the base of a thunderstorm. The wall cloud marke the strongest part of the mesocyclone, which is the rotating updraft that can produce a tornado. A funnel cloud or tornado usually extends from the base of a wall cloud.

What is between the highest and the lowest cloud?

Other clouds

What is called the low hanging cloud base that spawns tornadoes?

The funnel cloud.

The clouds highist cloud is?

Cirrus clouds are the highest cloud. They are 6 to 8 miles above ground.

Is the Cirrus cloud highest in the Earth's atmosphere?

That's right, cirrus clouds are the highest clouds.

Which type of cloud is highest in the sky cirrus or cumulus?

Cirrus is a High-étage cloud, whereas Cumulus is a Low-étage cloud. So Cirrus.

Name of lower cloud base often associated with tornado formations?

Wall cloud.

What does a tornado come out of?

A tornado usually emerges from a wall cloud, which is at the base of a cumulonimbus cloud.