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Q: Which country protested against global warming under the sea?
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What does 'Against man-made Global Warming' mean?

If you were asked to speak in a debate, "Against man-made Global Warming" you would be arguing that man is not causing Global Warming. You would have to argue that Global Warming is occurring naturally.

Is Spain afffected by global warming?

Every country is affected by global warming.

Is pollution a global issue or a environmental issue?

Yes it is because it is global warming and any country has global warming for example the Netherlands it's due global warming if not that country will be in a hazard of flooding !

Which country is in toplist for global warming?


Are you for or against global warming?

Most scientists and scientific organizations round the world agree that global warming is happening. A few scientists disagree.

What percentage of the global warming is caused by India?

There is really no definitive way to tell which country has contributed what percentage towards global warming.

Who is against global warming?

Yes, many people are against global warming, but there is always the odd one that is all for I say we hunt them down and ask what is so good about global warming its going to kill us eventually :( Im very sad and hate global warming but if we stay clean and tidy and don't litter we should slow it down a couple of years

Witch country has the most Goble warming?

The countries that depends mainly on industrialization for their economy are the main contributors for global warming. From a research, United States has the most global warming.

How long are you going to last against global warming?

1 day...

Is there anyone against global warming?

If you mean that global warming is a fact, yes there are plenty of people that don't believe it. A recent poll conducted in the U.S.,said that only 41 per cent of the responders believed in global warming.

Does every country use global warming?

Global warming is regarded as an undesirable and dangerous phenomenon; nobody is using it, we are trying to avoid it, but every country is experiencing it, in one way or the other.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.