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Q: Which element do you have to breathe to stay alive?
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Which element do we have to breathe to stay alive?

We need to breathe oxygen.

Which element do people have to breathe to stay alive?

The element is oxygen.

Why is oxygen so important to human beings?

It is how we breathe and stay alive.

Why it lives in this specific climate?

to stay alive if they are out of their element they will pass

If the water is life why we drown?

We can't breathe water, but we need to drink it to hydrate and stay alive.

What living thing does mankind need to stay alive?

Plants and Algae. They convert CO2 to O2 (what we breathe).

How does nature helps us?

- tree(to breathe/stay alive) - decorations - wood/paper for work - medicine

Which element do you need from the air to stay alive?

I would say either nitrogen or oxygen.

Why mammals breathe?

They breathe to keep alive

What is the element you need to breathe?

Well their are over 100 types of elements and the one we need to breathe with is oxygen.

Is the air you breathe an element?

It is not one single element, but several.

Why is hydrogen an important element?

because when you use hydrogen, it kinda helps you breathe and it also is a gas. and oxygen and hydrogen make water to stay hydrated.