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What has a larger radii, a sulfur atom or sulfied ion and why

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Q: Which element has a larger radius magnesium or sulfur?
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Which element has a larger ionic radius than sulfur?

Phosphorus has larger ionic radius than sulfur. There is more nuclear attraction in sulfur.

What product is formed by the reaction of magnesium with sulfur a group 6A element?

Magnesium sulfide (MgS) is formed by the reaction of magnesium with sulfur.

Does sulfur have a larger atomic radius than oxygen?


What do you call the white powder that is formed when magnesium reacts with steam?

sulfur which then forms magnesium sulfide

Which element has the largest radius?

francium has the largest ionic radius

Is Mg a compound or an element?

It is a compound, because it contains more than one element. An element is smallest unit that maintains all of its properties. When you combine elements, you get compounds. MgS04 contains the elements Mg (magnesium), S (sulfur) and O (oxygen).

What ions are formed with magnesium and sulfur?

Magnesium is located in Group II in the periodic table. Every element in Group II will form an ion with the charge of 2+ by losing two electrons. Hence, magnesium will form the magnesium ion: Mg2+. Sulfur is located in Group VI in the periodic table. Every element in Group VI will form an ion with the charge of 2- by gaining two electron. Hence, sulfur will form the sulfur ion: S2-.

What elements are in epsom salts?

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate, MgSO4) is composed of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.

What element has larger atomic radius than rubidium?

nitrogen- .70 angstroms (oxygen- .66 angstroms)

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Is sulfur element compound or mixture?

element. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a compound

What elements are found in magnesium sulfate?

Magnesium and Sulfur