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Q: Which gas was generally absent from the Early Archean Era?
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Which gas was absent in the Early Archean Era?

Oxygen was generally absent from the atmosphere during the Early Archean Era.

Earths early atmosphere formed during the early Archean era which gas was generally absent from the atmosphere at that time?

Oxygen Please study this, & don't forget it so you don't have to keep looking up answers .

What is the Archean era?

The Archean era is the earliest Precambrian era, archean means "ancient" or "beginning". The Archean era starts with the oldest known rocks, about 4.6 billion years ago.

What is Archean Era?

The Archean era is the earliest Precambrian era, archean means "ancient" or "beginning". The Archean era starts with the oldest known rocks, about 4.6 billion years ago.

What is the Archean?

The Archean era is the earliest Precambrian era, archean means "ancient" or "beginning". The Archean era starts with the oldest known rocks, about 4.6 billion years ago.

What era is in the First ancient life?

The Archean.

During what era were the first one-celled organisms formed?

During the Archean Eon life started and was dominated by one-celled prokaryotic life forms. Eukaryotic one-celled organisms became dominant in the Proterozoic Eon. Multicellular organisms ruled the planet during the eon known as the Phanerozoic.

What are the subdivisions of the Precambrian era?

The Precambrian Era can be divided into three major eras. These eras include the Hadean, the Archean, and the Proterozoic.

What is the early modern era?

The beginning of the early modern is not completely clear. However. It is generally accepted that it began somewhere in the late 15th or early 16th century.

What era was when life first flourished on Earth?

The Archean Eon is the period in which the first life on Earth appeared.

What is the modern era?

The beginning of the early modern is not completely clear. However. It is generally accepted that it began somewhere in the late 15th or early 16th century.

What era was 3.5 billion years ago?

3.5 billion years ago was the Paleoarchean Era(3,600 - 3,200Ma). This was in the Archean Eon(3,800 - 2,500Ma) & during the Precambrian SuperEon(4,500 - 542Ma).