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Depending on how high the pressure is, they both can have the same maximum temperature. After a while, they become a different type of phase called a supercritical fluid.

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Q: Which is higher in maximum temperature Liquid or Gas fuel?
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Petrol, or gasoline, at standard temperature and pressure is a liquid.

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200 degrees

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90 degrees is the maximum velocity for diesel. Diesel is generally any liquid fuel used in diesel engines within vehicles.

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For one, they have a higher BTU output and higher constant flame temperature than unleaded fuels. In liquid form, they're less volatile and less flammable than unleaded fuels, but ignite easily when vaporized.

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I would think not. The temperature differential could fracture the fuel rods, and you don't want that.

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All substances have a liquid form, but may not be present in nature. Under extreme pressure and temperature circumstances, liquid oxygen can be created, in fact, it is used to fuel space rockets.

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What extinguisher removes heat from a fire?

All of them. Heat and/or oxygen are removed by the water on the surface of the burning fuel. Water also raises the ignition temperature of the fuel, thus breaking the chain reaction when there is no longer enough heat to continue burning the wet fuel.