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Crop rotation


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Q: Which is not a common cause of soil mismanagement?
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What are the five causes of soil mismanagement?

One cause of soil mismanagement is a farmer that does not rotate crops. Other causes are over irrigation, property zone violations, building on flood planes, and natural erosion.

What are the problems faced by Pakistan Railway?

Mismanagement, mismanagement and mismanagement .

How can fertilizer and pesticides lead to soil mismanagement?

Fertilizers and pesticides lead to soil mismanagement by over doing both. If one over does it on the fertilizer on grass, it can actually have an adverse reaction and burn out or grass can die. If one over uses pesticides it can also act as a ground clearing agent.

What are the causes of mismanagement in an organization?

example of Mismanagement in Organization example of Mismanagement in Organization example of Mismanagement in Organization

What is the sigle most dominant cause of business fail?

The single most dominant cause of business fall is obviously Mismanagement.

How does a person cause soil erosion?

how does a person cause a soil erosion

What cause transported soil?

soil erosion

Does soil cause pollution?

no soil does not unless its trashed

What are three common types of soil?

Three common types of soil are: Pedalfer, Pedocal, and Laterite

How man cause soil erosions?

they cut trees that have soil in it so it carries soil

Define soil-salinity and how they cause pollution?

Saltiness of soil.

Violent shaking from an earthquake can cause soil and rock on slopes to move and cause a?

Violent shaking from an earthquake can cause soil and rock on slopes to fail and cause a landslide