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water, air and blood

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Water is the most essential liquid for life on Earth. It is required for various biological processes, serves as a solvent for many essential molecules, helps regulate temperature, and provides a medium for chemical reactions to occur. Without water, life as we know it would not be possible.

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Q: Which liquid on earth is necessary for life?
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Continue Learning about Earth Science

What ingredients does earth have that allows life to flourish?

Some key ingredients on Earth that support life include liquid water, a variety of organic molecules, a protective atmosphere, a stable climate, and a diverse range of habitats. These components provide the necessary conditions for the development and sustenance of life forms on our planet.

Why is the earth teeming with life?

Earth is teeming with life due to its unique combination of a stable climate, presence of liquid water, and diverse habitats that allow for the evolution and adaptation of a wide range of species. Additionally, the planet's abundance of nutrients and energy sources provides the necessary conditions for life to thrive and diversify.

What 3 conditions on Earth make it suitable for living things?

Presence of liquid water: Water is essential for life as we know it, serving as a solvent for biochemical reactions. Suitable temperature range: Earth's distance from the sun allows for surface temperatures that support life. Presence of an atmosphere: Earth's atmosphere provides the necessary gases for respiration and protects life from harmful radiation.

What is the most common liquid solution on earth?

Water is the most common liquid solution on Earth. It covers about 71% of the Earth's surface and is essential for life.

What is the following components of air is least necessary for life on earth?

Argon is the least necessary component of air for life on Earth. It is an inert gas that does not participate in biological processes and is not essential for human respiration.

Related questions

Which liquid is necessary on earth?


What are four unique properties of water that make life on earth possible?

It exists in nature as a solid, liquid and gas; it freezes from the top (thus leaving the deep waters of rivers and lakes liquid); it dissolves virtually every other substance on Earth, including those necessary for plant and animal life.

What liquid is necessary for all plant and animal life?


What substance is necessary for life on earth?

The sun!

Why is the location of the Earth important for life?

The location of Earth in our solar system allows for the presence of liquid water, which is necessary for life as we know it. Earth's distance from the sun allows for a stable climate that supports the diversity of life on our planet. Additionally, Earth's position within the habitable zone of our galaxy allows for the right conditions for life to thrive.

Earth is the only planet known to have?

Earth is the only planet known to have life and liquid water.

Why is earth a good planet for life?

Earth is an excellent example of a planet that supports the kind of DNA-based life found on this planet. It has the proper range of temperatures, seasons, amount of liquid water, and proportions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and other vital components necessary for the creation of such life.

What ingredients does earth have that allows life to flourish?

Some key ingredients on Earth that support life include liquid water, a variety of organic molecules, a protective atmosphere, a stable climate, and a diverse range of habitats. These components provide the necessary conditions for the development and sustenance of life forms on our planet.

Which planet has life and liquid water?

Earth is the only planet known to have both life and liquid water on its surface.

Why is the earth teeming with life?

Earth is teeming with life due to its unique combination of a stable climate, presence of liquid water, and diverse habitats that allow for the evolution and adaptation of a wide range of species. Additionally, the planet's abundance of nutrients and energy sources provides the necessary conditions for life to thrive and diversify.

Is nitrogen and sulfur bad for the earth?

no, in fact they are necessary for life.

Is precipitation necessary for the survival of life on earth?

Figure it out yourself