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Iron :c)

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Q: Which metal do you get from Hematite?
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Is hematite metal or nonmetal?

Hematite is a metal-bearing ore, but it's not a metal itself.

What is the metal in hematite?

Hematite is an ore of iron.

What metal is obtained from hematite ore?

Hematite is an ore of the element Iron.

Is hematite metal or a non metal?

it is a metal because i think it is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Is hematite a metal or a rock?

Hematite is a metallic mineral. Remember, minerals make up rocks.

What metal is commonly used from hematite?


Describe the process used to extract metal from hematite ore?

go do it youself! :)

What useful material may be obtained from bauxite what useful material may be obtained from hematite what are bauxite and hematite called since they produce useful materials?

Bauxite used to produce aluminium. Hematite can be used to produce iron. Bauxite nd hematite are called minerals and in the context of metal production ores.

Metal extracted from hematite?

Haematite is an Iron ore (Fe2O3). Therefore, it stands to reason that the metal extracted is iron. Haema- is a prefix used to indicate that the word has something to do with blood; in this case, its colour. Incidentally, oxygenated blood is red because it contains iron. Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) (rust) is red.

What are the basic metal ores?

magnetite, chromite, bauxite, ilmenite, pitchblende, carnotite, hematite, monazite, etc.

Can solid be hematite or brick?


Would it be profitable for a mining company to mine hematite?

Hematite is the main component of Fe2O3, single crystal often has rhombohedral and plate, aggregates varied shapes. Metallic luster to the semi-metallic luster, hardness of 5.5 to 6.0, a density of 5.5 ~ 5.3 g · cm-3. Iron was black, shiny sheet metal aggregates called mirror hematite iron ore; gray, metallic flake mica, hematite aggregates called hematite; reddish brown, shiny dark ocher called ; was kidney-shaped hematite called kidney-shaped hematite. Hematite widely distributed in nature pole is an important raw material for iron, a red pigment may also be used.