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The First 20 Elements in the Periodic Table are;

1. Hydrogen

2. Helium

3. Lithium

4. Beryllium

5. Boron

6. Carbon

7. Nitrogen

8. Oxygen

9. Fluorine

10. Neon

11. Sodium

12. Magnesium

13. Aluminium

14. Silicon

15. Phosphorus

16. Sulphur

17. Chlorine

18. Argon

19. Potassium

20. Calcium

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In the first twently elements on the Periodic Table, the most reactive are:






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Q: Which metal in the first 20 elements is most reactive?
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less reactive.beacuse group-1 elements are the most reactive elements.

Where are the most reactive element found on the periodic table?

Group 1, or the alkali metals, left of the table and Group 17, the halogens, right of the table are the most reactive groups. Fr, or Francium (atomic number 87) is the most reactive metal- and fluorine the most reactive halogen. Francium and fluorine would react together explosively they are so reactive.

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Alkali metals are the elements in the 1st group. In the 1st group,the reactivity of the elements increase down the group. Cs is the most reactive alkali metal.

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I believe that Fluorine is the most reactive of the elements. Lithium may be the most reactive metal, but don't forget potassium.

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Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal.

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The most reactive non-metal is fluorine. It is often nicknamed the 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' of the elements because of its reactivity. NB . Oxygen ,which we breath, is also a very reactive element. If it wasn't so reactive we would probably die.

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caesium is the most reactive non-radioactive metal and Florine is the most reactive non-metal, but francium is the most reactive, radioactive metal

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Fluorine gas is one of the most reactive elements that exist and it will react with most metals.

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The most reactive nonmetals are the Halogens, found in group 17. These elements tend to have 7 electrons in their outermost energy level (valence electrons). Since they only need one more electron to stabilize, they react easily to form a negative ion.

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Generally the most reactive elements in the periodic table are found in the first two (left-most) columns: the alkali metal and alkali earths.

How do you find out what metal is the most reactive?

Metals which can easily loose electron are most reactive. They are present in group-1.