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biotite mica

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Q: Which mineral can be found in granite andesite gneiss and hornfels?
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Related questions

How are granite and gneiss the same?

Granite and Gneiss are both rocks.

What are four examples of metamorphic rock?

Slate, hornfels, schist, gneiss.

Does gneiss form from granite?

Gneiss may form from either granite or schist.

How is gneiss similar to granite?

Granite is an igneous rock and gneiss is a metamorphic rock.

What is gneiss mineral group?

Gneiss is a rock, not a mineral.

What rock does granite form from heat and pressure?

The ONLY rock that Granite forms is the metamorphic rock Gneiss. Granite is the parent rock of Gneiss.

What is metamorphosed granite?


Does granite turn into gneiss?

It can.

What metamorphic rock is formed from greywacke?

Hornfels or gneiss are possible metamorphic rock with a greywacke protolith.

What rock is gneiss from?

Gneiss can be formed by the metamrphism of either granite or schist.

What forms gneiss?

Gneiss metamorphosed from shale, sandstone, granite and conglomerate.

Granite changes to?

Granite will be changed to gneiss after a metamorphic event.