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Change in total mass of substances.

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a change in total mass of the substance

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Q: Which observation does not indicate that a chemical reaction has occured?
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How does the chemical equation show that a chemical reaction has occured?

A compund

When substances are different from the starting substances what occured?

This is a chemical reaction.

What happens in a can of spoiled food as gas is produced?

A chemical reaction of food decomposition occured.

What can be evidence of a chemical reaction?

Generally, you know a chemical reaction has occured if there is a change in temperature, a change in color, a formation of a gas (bubbles), or any kind of flame.

Why does a change in teperature indicate that a change reaction may have occured?

Chemical reactions that involve bond-breaking tend to absorb energy from the surroundings, making the surroundings cooler. Chemical reactions that involve making bonds release energy, which makes the surroundings hotter. An example of a temperature change in a chemical reaction is when a burning fire produces heat.

What type of reaction has occured when two or more substances combine to form another substance?

This is called synthesis, a combination chemical reaction that changes the chemical bonds in the substances.

Why doesn't the production of gas doesn't always indicate that a chemical reaction has occured?

Immersing a heated noble metal in water will create water vapour without anything undergoing a chemical reaction. Phase change in some of the water, though.

What are three signs that a chemical change has occured?

chemical change doesn't apper outside easily as it is change in the chemical property of the element or the experiment done,specific methods can only be used to detect the chemical change for the substance under observation.

What is the evidence that a chemical reaction occured in silver nitrate and potassium iodide?

A yellow precipitate of silver iodiode (AgI) is formed.

How can someone tell when equillibrium in a reaction has occured?

Equillibrium in a reaction has occured when the concentration of compounds remain unchanged.

Jorge added a solid material to a clear colorless liquidthe mixture began to bubblee xplain why jorge thought a chemical reaction occurreed?

if a person added a solid material to a colorless liquid and the mixture started to bubble if the person wrote in his notebook a chemical reaction occured explain why that person thought it was a chemical reaction?

What caused the egg size to increase while putting it in vinegar?

a chemical reaction occured between the eggshell and the vinegar. That is what made it increase in size.