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At a Convergent Boundary.

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Q: Which of the above boundaries is sea floor destroyed?
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At which of the above boundaries is sea floor destroyed?

transform boundary

Are convergent boundaries and sea-floor spreading related in any way?

No, but divergent boundaries are the spreading of the sea floor and convergent boundaries are tectonic plates push together

What boundaries create the sea floor?

transform boundary

What boundaries is sea floor created?

Convert boundary

Where is sea floor destroyed?

Subduction zones.

Another name for divergent boundaries that occur under the ocean is?

Sea floor spreading

How do you use sea-floor spreading in a sentence?

The Super Continent was broken apart, in part by sea-floor spreading.Scientists discovered that sea-floor spreading continues to move the continents.Sea-floor spreading can be measured using specialized equipment.

What would you call sea plates pulling away?

This would be called sea floor spreading, apparent at divergent boundaries.

What boundary type is sea floor spreading?

These ridges are spreading centers or divergent plate boundaries

How do ocean ridges and deep-sea trenches support the theory of sea floor spreading?

Sea Floor spreading has to do with the crust forming at ocean ridges and being destroyed at deep sea trenches.

Are divergent plate boundaries associated with folded mountains and deep sea trenches?

No. Sea floor trenches are found at convergent boundaries. divergen boundaries form mid-ocean ridges.

Sea floor is destroyed in which plate boundry?

At a convergent boundary. if seafloor is created at a divergent boundary then it must be the opposite (at a convergent boundary) where is being destroyed.