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Particles of matter have their least kinetic energy in the solid phase and their greatest kinetic energy in the gas phase.

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Q: Which phase of matter do particles have the most energy and the least energy?
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Which phase of matter do the particles have the least energy?

The phase of matter that has the least kinetic energy is the solid phase. You know that temperature is a measure of kinetic energy among molecules of a substance and solid is the phase of matter that occurs at the lowest temperature.

What is the phase of matter that is made of high energy particles?

The phase with particles having highest energy is Plasma(super heated gas) , it is 4th state of matter, the sun is plasma.

Phase of matter consisting of high-energy particles?

plasma it has gas particles and ions

What phase of matter has particles that do not move?

There is no phase of matter that has particles that do not move UNLESS the material is a SOLID at a temperature of ABSOLUTE ZERO.

Why is boiling water a Heat Energy?

Heat energy is a measure of how fast particles of matter are vibrating. As more energy goes into the matter, the particles vibrate faster. At some point (it is different for each material) the particles move fast enough to change phase. When water boils, the particles change state from liquid to gas.

The phase of matter that is made up of very high-energy particles is?

The kinetic energy of the molecules is greatest in gases.

What does heat do to the particles in ice?

Heat energy makes the particles in matter move faster. The more heat, the faster the particles move.

Which phase of matter has particles moving the slowest?


What phase of matter comes after gasses if you add energy?

If you add energy to gas, the next phase that you get is called plasma. In a plasma, the atoms have broken apart, and you have a mixture of sub-atomic particles that are not organized into atoms. Plasma is the highest energy phase; even if you keep adding energy, all you will get is hotter plasma.

Is the gas phase the most ordered phase?

No. The particles of substances in the solid state/phase are the most ordered. The particles of substances in the gas state/phase have the least order.

Which of the three phases of matter has partiCles sEparated by the least amount of distance?

Usually the solid phase, but some substances, importantly water, are exceptions because the liquid near the freezing point has shorter inter-particle distances than the solid near the freezing point.

Which phase of matter has the strongest attraction between the particles?
