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Jupiter is the planet that has white ammonia clouds.

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Q: Which planet has white ammonia clouds?
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What planet has white ammonia clouds?


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What planet has clouds of water methane and ammonia make up the outer part of this planet atmosphere?

The answer is Jupiter.

What is the planet Jupiter's substance?

liquefied hydrogen and helium at the core with rocky core.The surface is cloud of white crystal ammonia and clouds of sulphur, red phosphorus and simple organic compounds.

What planet has belts of visible clouds?

Jupiter. It has distinctive bands of clouds, varying on colour from White to brown.

Why white clouds form when freezer door opens?

nitrogen dioxide has a white colour .ammonia is use as a cooling agent in refrigerators.when ammonia is use up,a reaction takes place between ammonia and water producing nitrogen dioxide and water which has a white colour

Does your planet have clouds?

Yes our planet has clouds.

What are the colorfull patterns on Jupiter?

The patterns are the clouds surrounding the gaseous planet. Mixtures of gases and elements like hydrogen, helium and ammonia give it colorful patterns

Is Neptune's atmosphere blue and no clouds?

Neptune's atmosphere is blue but it has some clouds. They are like white streaks and are scattered all over the planet Neptune.

Is there ammonia in hail stones or clouds?

No, not on Earth at least. Clouds on earth are made of water.

What are Jupiter clouds made of?

There are three layers of clouds on Jupiter, and each one is composed of different molecules. At one level there are clouds of ammonia, at another level there are clouds made of ammonia and sulfur, and at a third level there are clouds of water (H2O).