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You know that as you go up, it gets colder. The troposphere would be the warmest layer and evaporation happens there

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Q: Which process increases the temperature of the atmosphere?
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When does temperature occur?

A layer in the atmosphere in which temperature increases with altitude.

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How does the temperature of the troposphere change as altitude increases?

As the altitude increases, the temperature in the troposphere will decrease. The troposphere is the lowest portion of planet's atmosphere.

Which tempatures deacreses as altatude increases?

I assume this refers to the temperature of the atmosphere.

What increases the temperature in the atmosphere?

the thermosphere is the hottest all of the atmospheric layers.

What happens to the temperature while the water is in the process of freezing?

the temperature increases

How does temperature change as you go through the atmosphere?

There are four layers of the atmosphere. At the ground is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Temperature decreases with height through the troposphere, increases in the stratosphere, decreases in the mesosphere, then increases again in the thermosphere.

Which layer of the earths atmosphere contains no wate vapor has an atmosphere pressure less than 1.0 atmosphere and has air temperature that increases wth altitude?

Its the hydrosphere

The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. How does temperature change with altitude in the troposphere?

Temperature decreases as altitude increases.

Why the temperature of the water increases from trial one to trial three?

During the time water absorb heat from the atmosphere if the initial temperature was lower.

The layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere and in which temperature decreases as altitude increases?

The layer of atmosphere is mesosphere. It is located after stratosphere.

How does temperature change as you go higher through the atmosphere?

There are four layers of the atmosphere. At the ground is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Temperature decreases with height through the troposphere, increases in the stratosphere, decreases in the mesosphere, then increases again in the thermosphere.