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Andesite and diorite are considered intermediate.

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Q: Which rock has an intermediate composition?
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What is the mineral composition of an intermediate igneous rock?

felsic and something else i do not remember the second one.

Where do you find andesite?

Andesite is an extrusive igneous rock of intermediate composition. This is a volcanic rock that can be found in areas with volcanoes such as, Slovakia.

What is an andesite?

a dark, fine-grained, brown or grayish volcanic rock that is intermediate in composition between rhyolite and basalt.

What is the igneous rock between granite and basalt?

Andesite is considered an intermediate rock between granite (felsic igneous rock) and basalt (mafic igneous rock), based on chemical composition.

What kind of rock andesite?

No. Andesite is classed as an 'intermediate' rock, being halfway in composition between a mafic and felsic rock. Mafic rocks are those that contain alot of ferromagnesian minerals (iron and magnesium) which give mafic rocks their dark colouring. Typical ferromagnesian minerals include olivine and pyroxene. Typical mafic rocks are basalt and gabbro. Felsic rocks, on the other hand, are low in magnesium and iron and are usually light in colour, such as granite and rhyolite. Andesite therefore typically contains a mixture of both felsic and mafic minerals and is classed as 'intermediate'.

What type of lava is considered intermediate composition?


Is sandstone felsic or mafic?

Neither. The terms mafic and felsic refer to the composition of igneous rocks, which are dominated by silicate minerals. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of carbonate minerals. The terms mafic and felsic do no apply to it.

The mineral composition of the oceanic crust is similar to the composition of what rock?

It is most similar to the composition of the rock basalt.

What does the color of an igneous rock tell us about its mineral composition?

It tells us if the rock is Mafic (dark) composed mostly of magnesium and ferrum Or Felsic, (light) composed mostly of silicates such as quartz and feldspbar, or intermediate, a mixture of the two.

What do the composition and texture of a rock indicate?

The composition and texture of a rock are great indicators of the rock's type and method of formation.

What are intermediate materials in a rock cycle?

In the Rock Cycle : The Rocks are- Sedimentary Rocks, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks. The Intermediate Materials are- Sediments and Magma

Is andesite basic or acid?

Andesite has an intermediate composition between "basic" and "acid."