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Q: Which rock unit was most likely formed from chemical precipitates?
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Did a chemical reaction take place if a solid precipitate formed?

Yes!! You mixed liquids together and a solid was formed, certainly a chemical reaction. Depending on the reactants you could most likely tell which atoms joined to make the precipitate.

What can you tell about an igneous rock that has a coarse texture?

It is most likely formed underground.

Does precipitation indicate that a chemical change has taken place?

In most of the cases it is true but in some cases the reactants may also form the precipitates.

A rock that contains fossil seashells was most likely formed as a result of?

A rock that contains fossil seashells was most likely formed as a result of sedimentation.

A rock that contains fossil seashells was most likely formed as a result?

A rock that contains fossil seashells was most likely formed as a result of sedimentation.

What chemical change is most likely to involve bubbling or an odor?

This is a chemical reaction.

A covalent compound is most likely formed from?

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What chemical formed when two atoms share electrons?

there is not a definite chemical but it will most likely be in the carbon family (column) because it is right in between noble gases which is what elements are trying to lose and gain electrons to become I hope that helped :)

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Canyons are mostly formed by rivers.

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What location would most likely hold autotrophs that get their energy from chemical compounds

What most likely formed the crab nebula?

The crab nebula is the debris formed in the supernova explosion.