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p-waves which is primary waves

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Q: Which seismic wave moves through Earth at the fastest speed?
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What is the fastest seismic wave that moves back and forth?

The fastest seismic wave that also moves back and forth is the P-wave.

What type of ocean wave moves the fastest?

Indian Ocean waves.

What moves through the earth by causing particles to move at right angles to the waves direction?

S-waves which are a form of seismic wave. Seismic waves are a type of mechanical wave known as a shear or transverse wave that travel through the solid Earth (but not the liquid outer core).

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What is the type of seismic wave that arrives at the surface first and moves by compressing and expanding the ground like an accordion?

Those are the P-waves, which are the fastest and weakest.

What is Focus in Geography?

the focus it the point at which the rock moves. seismic wave start at the focus

Describe how a primary wave moves?

P waves are primary seismic waves. They are the fastest seismic waves and they are compressional or longitudinal waves, which means the back and forth movement of the particles is in the same direction as the wave is travelling. There is an illustration and explanation in the reference below. P waves can propagate through any medium. (solid. liquid or gas

Which wave is a body wave?

A body wave is a seismic wave that moves through the interior of the earth, as opposed to surface waves that travel near the earth's surface. P and S waves are body waves. Each type of wave shakes the ground in different ways.

How do scientists find out about the inner core of earth?

A seismograph is used to sense seismic waves in the earth. The seismic waves are sent down by scientist and how fast and how straight the line is when the seismograph reads them is how they tell which mineral or if its a liquid or solid. Which is how they know about the inner and outter core, and the mantel.

What moves outward from the source of an earthquake?

seismic waves

What does the earth spin on as it moves through space?

an orbit

Where on Earth would you have to be standing in order to be spinning the fastest?

At the equator, just like when a basketball spins on your finger, the poles don't move and the middle moves fast.