

Best Answer

Loamy soil is the most desired soil structure.

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Q: Which soil would have the best structure?
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Would compaction damage soil structure?

There are alot of layers for damaged soil.

What would be the best composition of soil for plants?

compost soil

How can soil be structure?

Soil is what you make it ;)

Name the two types of soil structure?

name of two structure of soil

Which soil would be best for growing farm crops?

Prairie soil will be best for growing crops.

What is the arrangement of soil particles?

Soil Structure.

What is the difference between soil texture and soil structure in soil science terms?

soil texture refers to particle sizes. whereas soil structure refers to particle arrangements

What soil can retain the most water?

The best one would be gardening soil

What does the good soil structure means?

A good soil

The term for the arrangement of soil particles is?

soil structure

Would Granular soil or cohesive soil be greater runoff?

cohesive soil would have more runoff since the water would be less likely to seep past the surface layer. On granular soils, the passage ways are larger and the water can quickly seep into the structure of the soil.