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Q: Which term refers to an ending which leaves a story unresolved?
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Related questions

What is a story that has no falling action or resolution called?

A story without a falling action or resolution is called "open-ended" or "inconclusive." This type of story leaves the ending unresolved and can leave the audience with unanswered questions or wondering about the outcome.

What is an indeterminate ending?

a cliffhanger ending where the ending is not totally determined.

Which plot refers to previous events and leads to the story's ending?


What is a mini cliff hanger?

A mini cliffhanger is a moment in a story where there is a suspenseful or unresolved situation that leaves the audience eager to know what happens next. It is often used to keep the audience engaged and create anticipation for the continuation of the story.

What is a 'tricky ending' in a story?

A tricky ending in a story is one that includes unexpected twists, turns, or revelations that challenge the reader's expectations. It can involve a surprising resolution to the plot or the development of a new perspective that changes the meaning of the entire story.

Which ending would most likely disappoint a reader?

An ending the reader can predict right away

What are examples of story that has a proleptic ending?

"Inception" is an example of a story with a proleptic ending, where the spinning top keeps spinning but cuts to black before showing if it falls or not. Another example is "The Sopranos" series finale, which ends with abrupt ambiguity, leaving the fate of the main character unresolved.

What is a closed ending in a story?

An closed ending is an ending to a story or novel where all of the details are wrapped up and leave the reader knowing how it ends. The story doesn't end in a cliffhanger or nail biter, where the readers long to discover what happens next. Most people prefer a closed ending to an open ending (where the ending is not 100% explained and leaves the reader wondering how it ends).

Which best describes what a story ending does?

Q: A storyteller tells a series of stories to a ruler to distract him each night and therefore prevent her own death at his hands. A: Frame Narrative

What plot element refers to previous events and leads to the storys ending?


Did perseus story have a happy ending?

the story has a happy ending

What is a ending of story?

An ending to a story wraps up the whole story in a conclusion. If you are asking for someone to give you an ending to a story then the person has to read the story first then come up w/a ending. Also an ending could be a question, statement or something leading to another story. Hope this helped!