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Q: Which two asian nations are facing the greatest problems with air and water pollution?
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What problems are rainforests facing today?

The rainforest is facing many differnt problems, but the main problem is deforestation.

What is mean by pollution under control?

These days we r facing the problem or can say major problem of pollution. To keeping control on pollution is basicaly called "POLUTION UNDER CONTROL" there is many sources of pollution one of them is gases emmerging from cars. to control the pollution by cars the test of PUC has to b done on car.

What are the environmental problems that the world is facing?

Environmental problems are those situations that directly or indirectly affect the natural environment, or ecology (including the human residents). Although some are caused naturally, most are manmade. They include :Water pollution by oil, chemicals, fertilizers, and heavy metalsEcological damage from dams or depleted water resourcesAir pollution by burning fossil fuels or by chemical releasesGround and ground water pollution from mining, landfills, and industryDeforestation, which causes loss of plant and animal habitats, runoff, and erosionDestruction of green space and habitats by human developmentOverfishing or other damage to the food chainIncreased mining and energy waste caused by failure to recycle materialsEnviromental restrictions and studies attempt to limit this type of damage to animal and plant species due to human activities. Maintaining a healthy environment has always proven beneficial to humans in the long term.

What are the problems rainforest faces?

trees being cut down, animals being endangered lesss oxygen for plants humas and animals

What is environmental physics?

Environmental Physics focuses on environmental problems, pinpointing global energy facing society. Using critical thinking and computational skills evaluate potential solutions for the benefit of mankind.