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Cumulonimbus clouds are most commonly associated with thunderstorms. The towering clouds come along with atmospheric instability. They form when water vapor is carried upward by powerful air currents.

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Q: Which type of clouds can become thunderheads?
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Related questions

What type of clouds are known as thunderheads?

probably cumulonimbus clouds.

What does thunderheads mean?

thunderheads are the little clouds that appears in the sky before a thunderstorm

What is the name of the cloud that produces thunderstorms?

Cumulonimbus clouds - scientific name for thunderheads (the clouds that produce thunderstorms)

What clouds are like thunderheads?

Cumulo nimbus.

Thunder clouds that produce precipitation are called clouds?

it depends if you are asking what type of cloud is it if it produces thunder and precipitation. if so then they are cumulonimbus clouds otherwise know as thunderheads.

Cumulonimbus clouds are also called what?

Cumulonimbus clouds are also called thunderheads.

Is cumulus short for cumulonimbus?

No. Cumulus clouds are the fairly small, puffy white clouds that usually come with nice weather. Cumulonimbus clouds are enormous towering clouds often called thunderheads as it is these clouds that become thunderstorms.

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Clouds that grow vertically with rising air inside are?

these clouds are known as "thunderheads."

Tall clouds that produce thunderstorms?

cumulonimbus, aka thunderheads

What specific clouds produces thunder storm?

They are called "cumulonimbus" clouds, or "anvil" clouds, or more commonly "thunderheads".

Large thunderhead clouds are called?

Cumulonimbus clouds are often called thunderheads :)- Hope this helps