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Igneous rocks which are totally composed of large crystals (visible to the naked eye) are described as having a phaneritic texture. For example gabbro, diorite and granite.

Igneous rocks containing large crystals (phenocrysts) surrounded by a much smaller crystalline matrix are said to have a porphyritic texture.

This is caused by a variation in the rate of cooling where initial slow cooling over a long time period allows formation of large crystals, then a period of much more rapid cooling causes the remaining melt products to crystallise more quickly forming the fine crystalline matrix surrounding the large crystals.


Duff, D. (1998) Holmes' Principles of Physical Geology. Stanley Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham.

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11y ago

Intrusive igneous rock contains large mineral crystals. The large crystals in intrusive igneous rocks form when magma cools very slowly. Magma that is trapped beneath Earth's surface is insulated by surrounding rocks, and cools and hardens over very long periods.

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Q: Which type of igneous rock contain large mineral crystal?
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Primarily the cooling rate of the mineral compound.The faster the rate cooling smaller the crystal size of the mineral.Consequently, large crystal specimins are derived from igneous bodies with a very slow rate of cooling.

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that means like when somthing is in a own properties

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Geodes, mineral veins and layered igneous intrusions.

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Igneous rock that forms deep inside the earth and has large mineral grains is called?

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