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Transform Boundaries are the cause of earthquakes.

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Q: Which type of plate boundary is responsible for the most powerful earthquakes?
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What type of plate boundary produces strong earthquakes?

Any type of plate boundary can cause an earthquake. That said, areas along convergent, divergent, and transform tectonic plate boundaries are the most likely places for earthquakes to occur.

What plate boundary do earthquakes occur?

Earthquakes occur at all plate boundaries.

What does a transformational plate boundary form?

A transformational plate boundary forms earthquakes.

What kind of boundaries can cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

Are there earthquakes volcanoes hurricanes and tsunamis at he nazca plate boundary?

The plate boundary between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate does produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Hurricanes have nothing to do with plate boundaries.

Why type of plate boundary are most earthquakes near?

convergent boundary

What type of plate boundary are most earthquakes found at?

All three type of Earthquakes (Shallow-seated, Medium-seated and Deep-seated) occur only at the Convergent plate boundary. At divergent plate boundary we find mostly Shallow-seated Earthquakes only.

What was the plate boundary at the new Madrid earthquake in 1811?

The 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes are a rare example of large earthquakes occurring in the middle of a plate, there was no plate boundary involved.

What does transform plates boundary form?

A transformational plate boundary forms earthquakes.

How is similar divergent plate boundary and transform plate boundary?

They are similar because they both form volcanoes and earthquakes.

What is the plate boundary?

The worst plate boundary is the north american plate with the recorded worst for earthquakes

What forms at a transform boundary?

Earthquakes form at a Transform boundary when the plate slips past each other.