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wait so is it metamorphic

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andres piz

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Q: Which type of rock is formed 20 kilometers below earth's suface?
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Most metamorphic processes take place where?

A few Kilometers below earths surface .

How are rocks formed in a volcanic eruption?

They are formed when the erupted magma or lava, cool and sollidifies below or above the earths surface respectively.

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Suface zone.what is the suface zone or surface water

What is the melted rock below earth's surface?

Melted rock below the eaths suface is magma

The ways Which extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks are formed?

extrusive- when melted rock material coools on earths surface instursive-when the melt cools below earths surface

What are extrusive and intrusive igneous rock?

Extrusive rocks are formed outside of earths surface. Intrusive rocks are formed inside earths surface.

What is the temperature of rock located 1000 kilometers below earths surface?

it is basically over 9000 degrees.

What igneous rocks form above the earths surface?

Extrusive because they are formed outside of the earth's core. Rocks formed below earth's surface are intrusive because they are formed inside the earth's core.

Would lava cool quicker than magma?

yes because lava is exposed to the surface while magma is below Earth's suface which would be hotter than the suface