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Glass would not be considered a mineral because it is not naturally occurring and does not have a crystalline structure.

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Q: Which would NOT be considered a mineral?
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Why is ice in a glacier considered to be a mineral but but what forms a glacier is not?

Ice in a glacier is considered a mineral because it has a crystalline structure and forms through natural processes, meeting the criteria to be classified as a mineral. However, the material that forms a glacier, such as snow, does not have a defined crystal structure and does not meet the criteria to be classified as a mineral.

Why is ice in a glacier considered to be a mineral but water from a glacier is not?

Ice in a glacier is considered a mineral because it has a crystalline structure and forms through natural geological processes. Water from a glacier is not considered a mineral because it lacks a crystalline structure and is in a liquid state rather than a solid state.

Why is water not considered a mineral?

Water is not considered a mineral because it lacks a crystalline structure. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a specific chemical composition and ordered atomic arrangement, which water does not exhibit. Water is a compound composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, in a liquid state at room temperature.

If a knife blade scratches the surface of a mineral that mineral is considered hard?

Yes, if a knife blade scratches the surface of a mineral, the mineral is considered to be softer than the blade. This is because the knife blade has a hardness level higher than the mineral being scratched. Hardness is a measure of a mineral's resistance to scratching and is commonly tested using the Mohs scale.

Why are sand silt and clay considered mineral soil?

Sand, silt, and clay are considered mineral soil because they are primarily composed of mineral particles derived from rock weathering. These particles are rich in essential nutrients needed by plants for growth and are an important component of most soils. Additionally, mineral soils have distinct physical properties and characteristics that differentiate them from organic soils.

Related questions

Which would not be considered mineral?


Under what condition would water be considered a mineral?

Water would be considered a mineral if it meets the criteria set by the International Mineralogical Association, which include being naturally occurring, inorganic, solid at standard temperature and pressure, and possessing a crystalline structure. Pure water would not be considered a mineral, but certain types of mineral deposits that contain water molecules are recognized as minerals in the geological context.

A what is a rock that contains a metal or economically useful mineral?

The rock would be considered an ore.

Could quartz be considered a mineral?

Quartz is a mineral.

When is water a mineral?

Water as a solid, in the form of ice, is considered a mineral when it is naturally occurring. Ice in snow banks is considered a mineral but ice cubes you make in your freezer are not a mineral.

Would a manufactured diamond be a mineral?

Yes, a manufactured diamond would still be considered a mineral. A mineral is defined as a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure, which manufactured diamonds possess.

Why isn't a tooth considered a mineral?

Oxygen isn't a mineral, It's a gas. Mineral's are like rocks.

What is an accessory mineral?

An accessory mineral is a mineral present in small amounts in a rock, but not considered to be characteristic of the rock.

Is a mineral an ore or a gem if it contains something useful and can be sold for a profit?

It would be considered an ore if it contains valuable minerals that can be extracted and sold commercially. Alternatively, it would be considered a gem if it contains valuable gemstones that can be cut and polished for jewelry or decorative purposes.

When is water minerals?

Water as a solid, in the form of ice, is considered a mineral when it is naturally occurring. Ice in snow banks is considered a mineral but ice cubes you make in your freezer are not a mineral.

Why is ice in a glacier considers to be a mineral but water from a glacier is not?

Water is not considered a mineral because it does not meet the requirement of having a solid crystalline structure. Ice does meet this criterion and therefore, it is considered a mineral.

Why is ice in a glacier considered to be a mineral but but what forms a glacier is not?

Ice in a glacier is considered a mineral because it has a crystalline structure and forms through natural processes, meeting the criteria to be classified as a mineral. However, the material that forms a glacier, such as snow, does not have a defined crystal structure and does not meet the criteria to be classified as a mineral.