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Man, unfortunately, causes most of the present global warming, because for the last 200 years we have been burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which release extracarbon dioxide into the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We have also been seriously cutting down the great forests of the world, which used to be able to absorb enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to keep the temperature comfortably steady.

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Q: Who Causes Global Warming The Most in your world today?
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How is the world affected by fossil fuels?

When we burn gas that is produced from fossil fuel, this causes our world getting in a danger situation causing global warming. Global warming causes the polar bears to drown and it makes the world hotter.

What is the connection of the global warming with the people of earth?

Obviously we people are the reason why there is Global Warming! I t is because of our deeds that causes changes in this world be it good or bad.

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* global warming * bio-fuel

What is a thesis statement on the causes and effects of global warming?

There are several thesis statements one could make about global warming and its effects in the world. For example: Global warming is resulting in more frequent and more severe weather events.

Does the world worry about global warming?

Yes, most of the world is concerned about global warming.

What is the importance and danger of global warming and extreme global warming?

Global Warming is probably the most important thing facing the people of the world today. The danger from global warming is that if we cannot slow and later stop it, the world will become hotter and almost impossible to live in. There will be horrific changes in countries and peoples as they try to adapt to a different climate where all the things they were used to have changed.

What is a more accurate term for global warming?

The rise in temperature all over the world. This is not more accurate. It is the same way of saying it. Global warming causes climate change, but is not the same as climate change.

Can the world explode by the effect of global warming?

No the warming is only a warming of the atmosphere.

Why do some scientists believe global warming is a threat world wide?

Because it is GLOBAL, not local warming.

Are green house and White House causes for global warming?

White house and green house (gas) both of causes for global warming. White house planting insidious hemlock that made a deadlock between east and west which could cause gridlock across the world.

What could be an introduction for my speech on global warming?

A:Global warming is a very big issue in the world today. Global warming is when the earth's temperature rises. The cause of global warming is when greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun [in the atmosphere of the earth] causing the earth to heat up. Global warming affects animals and our environment, such as rise in sea levels which will cause extinction for more than a thousand species.

Who are the global warming skeptics?

Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.