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Humitau - the youngest and the most beautiful among the 9 maiden guards.

Aponi-Tolau - god-hero of the Tinguian

Tau-mariu - God of Sea

Langaan- mistress of the wind and air

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Q: Who are the characters of the great flood by tinggian?
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What element use in the myth great flood of tinggian?

In the myth of the Great Flood of the Tinggian people, the element of water is prominently featured. The flood is brought on by a deity and symbolizes a cleansing of the land, leading to the formation of new landscapes and the renewal of life. It serves as a way to explain the origins of the Tinggian people and their connection to their environment.

Analysis of the great flood tinggian?

The Great Flood Tinggian is a myth from the Philippines that symbolizes the wiping out of evil and renewal of life. It highlights the themes of divine punishment, survival, and a fresh start for humanity. The story reflects the Tinggian culture's belief in the importance of moral values and respect for nature.

Who is the protagonist of the great flood by tinggian?

The protagonist in the Tinggian tale of the Great Flood is Libinit, a kind and compassionate woman who saves herself and her family from the flood by seeking refuge in a huge bamboo stalk given to her by a mysterious old woman.

physical characteristic of the protagonist the flood of tinggian?

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40 D and N in the G F?

Days and Nights of the Great Flood Days and Nights of the Great Flood

What is flood in Chinese characters?


When did Great Sheffield Flood happen?

Great Sheffield Flood happened in 1864.

How did the great flood recover?

it would be helpful if we knew which great flood you mean...

What was the of the biggest flood ever recorded?

was the great missipi flood.

What is the entire series of the floods?

Flood, Flood 2, Flood 3. Tell you what there a great series!

How many days and nights of the great flood?

the great flood was 40 days, i think lol

Was the great flood before moses?

Yes the flood predates Moses.