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because the ice lodges in the crack and eventually it starts

to break

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Q: Why a rock with many joints and cracks will be affected by frost weathering?
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Which type of weathering involved water filling cracks in a rock?

Frost Weathering!

When water freezes inside cracks in rocks it contributes to the formation of?

Joints. This particular type of jointing is called "frost-wedging", and is a type of physical weathering.

What kind of weathering happens when ice forms in cracks in a rock?

When ice forms in cracks in rocks, the kind of weathering is known as mechanical weathering. The type of mechanical weathering that freezes and thaws is frost wedging.

What type of weathering involves water filling cracks in a rock?

frost wedging

Which type of weathering occurs when water seeps into cracks of rocks and freezes?

It is a form of weathering known as frost wedging.

Which type of physical weathering occurs when water seeps into into cracks of rocks and freezes?

It is a form of weathering known as frost wedging.

What is frost shattering?

Frost shattering is an important process in creating a Periglacial landscape. Frost shattering is the mechanical weathering and breakdown of rocks and is a regular process in a Periglacial environment leading to the formation of various Periglacial landforms. Frost shattering occurs in joints or cracks in rocks in areas where the temperature fluctuates around 0oC. When the temperature is warmer during the daytime water enters the cracks but during cold nights the water freezes inside the cracks. The alternating process of frost shattering slowly widens the joints/cracks, and in time, causes pieces of rock to shatter from the main rock.

When water in cracks and joints freezes and expands the rock is broken into angular fragments?

known as frost wedging

What is the cycle of freezing and thawing in the cracks of rocks called?

It is called frost heave, frost wedging, and freeze/thaw cycle, an example of mechanical weathering. Cracks formed in rocks by the pressure of freezing allow water to penetrate further, and enlarge the crack when that water freezes, gradually reducing the size of the rock body.

Is water seeping into the cracks of rocks and freezing an example of physical weathering?

Yes, as the water freezes it expands and cracks the rock a little bit more pushing off pieces. This is a process of mechanical / physical weathering- called 'frost wedging' or 'freeze thaw'.

What are examples of weathering?

such as rain and sleet and snow,

What is frost action?

The weathering process caused by cycles of freezing and thawing of water in surface pores, cracks, and other openings