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A mineral is a naturally formed,inoranic solid that forms crystls and is alwaly made of of the same elements.

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Q: Why are diamonds made by people not considered minerals?
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Why aren't diamonds made in a laboratory considered minerals?

Minerals are required to be naturally occurring. Synthetic diamonds are not.

Why diamonds are still considered minerals?

That is what they are. Diamonds are formed in the ground under pressure. It is made of carbon.

Would be considered a rock?

A rock consists of lots of minerals, which are made up of elements such as gold and silver. A rock can contain valuable minerals such as diamonds. Diamonds are the most expensive minerals. You can mine rocks and minerals at a mine

What kind of minerals are diamonds made of?

Diamonds are minerals, composed of the element carbon.

Why are diamonds that are made in laboratory considered to be minerals?

Diamonds that are made in a laboratory are known as lab-grown diamonds . These diamonds are considered minerals since they are optically and chemically similar to mined diamonds, formed by the same mineral known as carbon. The only difference between mined and lab-grown diamonds is where carbon is crystallized- the earth's crust or the lab. CVD diamonds look exactly like mined diamonds and sparkle like natural diamonds, which is why they are known as minerals. There is no chemical or visual difference between lab-created and mined diamonds.

What elements and minerals are diamonds made of?

Diamonds are pure carbon.

What would be considered a rock?

A rock consists of lots of minerals, which are made up of elements such as gold and silver. A rock can contain valuable minerals such as diamonds. Diamonds are the most expensive minerals. You can mine rocks and minerals at a mine

Can you make diamonds out of mixtures?

Mined diamonds are elements -- minerals. Man-made diamonds can be fabricated out of carbon.

Are man made diamonds really minerals?

Manufactured diamonds are all formed from carbon, which is really a mineral.

Why are diamonds not considered minerals?

Diamond fits the definition of a mineral in that it is naturally occurring, a solid, composed of an element or combination of elements, and has a crystalline structure. Many minerals contain carbon. Graphite, the mineral, is also pure carbon but with a different crystalline structure.

Are diamonds made in laboratories considered real?

Yes, they are considered real man-made diamonds. A GIA certificate will indicate that the gems are manufactured in laboratories.

Can machine-made diamonds be considered a minerals?

Not true minerals, as by definition, minerals are naturally occurring substances.To be a mineral it has to be a hard substance which fulfills the 4 requirements below:1. it has to be made by nature2. it has to have a crystal structure3. it has to have a chemical formula4. it cannot be made by man or plant or animalSince diamonds made in the laboratory are man-made they don't fulfill all of the requirements.No, because for something to be mineral, it has to be a naturally occurring, solid, inorganic, a definite chemical composition, and a crystal structure.Diamonds created in the laboratory are not naturally occurring.I don't think they are considered minerals