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Because fossil fuels are fossils is the simple answer. Fossil fuels are just large collections of tiny fossils which have undergone a slightly different process which allows them to be flammable.

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1mo ago

Fossil fuels are derived from the remains of ancient living organisms, such as plants and animals, that lived millions of years ago. Over time, these organic materials were buried and underwent chemical processes that transformed them into coal, oil, and gas. The term "fossil" refers to the preserved remains or traces of these once-living organisms.

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9y ago

Fossil fuels are described as finite because no more will be made in the near future. Fossils fuels are the remnants of ancient creatures that are no longer here on earth. There will be no more when they are gone.

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Why are fossil fuels called Fossil fuels if there is no fossils?

theyre made out of dead stuff

How can fossil fuels be described as a renewable resource?

They can't. Fossil fuel is made from fossils millions of years ago. Renewable has to happen much sooner than that.

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Explain howfossil fuels are formed and why they are described as non-renewable?

fossil fuels are made from hydrocarbons of fossils of early life that has been locked away for millions of years

What statement about fossils fuels is not true?

Fossil fuels are clean burning and will not be bad for the environment. We will never run out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are good for our health. These are a few that are not true about fossil fuels.

What are fossle fuels?

fossil fuels are natural gasses that come from fossils. one fossil fuel is oil.

How do you rewrite this sentence to make it correct Fossil fuels are made from the fossils of dinosaurs?

Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that have been buried and transformed over millions of years.

How is energy produce d from fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels (hence the name) are natural fuels that come from decayed bodies (humus or fossils) in the earth.

What are 4 fossils fuels and why are they called fossil?

oil, coal, natural gas, coke they are called fossil fuels because they are as old as fossils. They take thousands, if not millions of years to turn into what they are.

How do fossils change the Earth's surface?

well im not very sure my self but it would have something to do with fossil fuels

Why are these resources referred to as fossil fuels?

"Fossil fuels" refers to fuels, such as carbon and petroleum, that are generally believed to originate as fossils.

Are fossil fuels fossils?

Yes. They are a large group of fossils which are full of the energy of the dead creatures or plants which formed them.