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well, they put sandbags down in front of their doors to block the water, but if they were more important they would have people evacuated to a more dryer and warmer place, or get them winched up into a helicopter.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Some people may have a fear of rain known as ombrophobia due to negative past experiences during rainstorms, such as accidents or trauma. Additionally, the sound and unpredictability of thunderstorms can create anxiety in some individuals.

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13y ago

People fear floods because floods wash away everything, people loose their belongings, their homes get destroyed, some even loose their lives.

On the other hand, floods bring water for lands to become fertile, fertile land gives more crops, which means more food and better economy, in countries where water is used from wells, floods fill the wells up with fresh water, the underground water becomes less salty so more consumable.

although floods bring destruction initially but they ultimately lead to happiness specially in deserts.

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13y ago

The destruction that comes afterwards? Lives are lost and many homes are destroyed if it is in a populated area.

Near the coast, hurricanes can completely demolish or wash away houses, killing everyone inside. Even farther inland, hurricanes can cause deadly flash floods, tornadoes and falling trees and tree branches. In some ways, the inland effects are more frightening, because they are more random and there is no way to prepare for them.

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12y ago

Mostly people don't like them, because they cause property damage. However, in some places, people have learned to live in harmony with them, and the floods bring water and nutrients to the land, preparing it for growing crops.

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13y ago

its ironic that some people are afraid of something that is source of life, so what if someone get wet? its not a big deal

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7y ago

Water is very powerful and can do a lot of damage to homes, farms etc

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12y ago

because they love flood very much

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4y ago

well,people have to help with peoples lives to save there lives.

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