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Conventional rainfall occurs because the ground is heated in early it occurs in early afternoon.Relief rainfall occur only when the South East Trade Wind blows with full force and the South East Trade Wind can blows at any time of the day

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Q: Why convectional rainfall occurs in early afternoon whereas relief rainfall can occur at any time of the day?
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Why do equatorial regions experience convectional rainfall?

As the Equatorial region is the hottest region, convectional rain occurs in this region.

What is step 2 of convectional rainfall?

As the air rises, it cools and condenses. Clouds form and precipitation occurs.

What is Convectional rains?

Convectional rainfall occurs when the energy of the heats the earth’s surface and causes water to evaporate changing to water vapor which then forms clouds and rain comes down.

Give two characteristics of convectional rainfall?

thunderstorm and lightning rainfall and floodings

Does the sea get any rainfall?

Yes. About half of the world's rainfall occurs over water, as evidenced by the many storms that imperil shipping. Heavy rainfall can temporarily lower the salinity in the upper layers of oceans, especially where convectional mixing is limited.

What is Convectional Precipitation?

Convectional rainfall occurs as a result of one of the three mechanisms that produce rain. When a fluid, such as air, is warmed from the bottom, for instance by earth warmed by sunlight, the lighter air rises drawing cooler air in underneath it. This sets up a so-called convectional flow. If the air near the ground is moist then when the it rises it will form clouds whose droplets coalesce to form convectional rain.

Which rainfall is known as the 4 o'clock rainfall?

Convectional Rain:This type of rain is common in the hot and wet tropical rain forests of central Africa, Amazon basin of South America and the islands of south-east Asia. Continuous heating of the earth in the day causes hot convectional currents to raise Water keeps on evaporating and rising up. On reaching the upper layers of the atmosphere they cool, condense and from cumulonimbus clouds. In the late afternoon the clouds burst into a heavy downpour, often accompanied by thunder and lighting. It usual occurs at about 4 pm, so convectional rain is called 'four o'clock rain' and occurs daily in the equatorial regions.

What are the 3 types of rainfall?

Some fancy names have been given to this question, Convectional, Orographic and Frontal. I will stick to the more simple types such as Lite falls , mediums falls and heavy or flooding rains. I am also including mist and fog because they both contain water vapour.

How does Convectional rainfall occurs?

When the Earth surface is heated by the sun, the AIR above the surface is also warm. The warm air rises, and when it rises it cools down. Then it condenses and form clouds. And then it rains. (If the air rises very quickly cumulonimbus clouds can form) So the simple answer, Convectional Rainfall: Water forces to rise by heat.

The earths precipitation occurs as convectional orographic or?


What role does convection play in precipitation?

Convectional precipitation occurs in hot, moist climates where the sun quickly heats the air. The heated air rises, and by afternoon clouds form and rain falls.

Physical rain definition?

The difference lies in what causes the rainfall to occur. In convectional rainfall, the sun heats the earth and the heat causes moisture from soil, plants and open water bodies to evaporate. This moisture is carried upwards through convective air currents until it reaches a certain altitude. At that point, where the air is cooler, it condenses and creates water droplets (rain). This usually occurs in the afternoon on warm summer days. Frontal rainfall occurs because of the movement of the fronts of two air masses. When a cold front is moving over a mass of warm air, it causes the warm moist air to rise. In this case, rain occurs ahead of the cold front. When a warm front is moving over a mass of cold air, the warm moist air is forced upward, and the rain occurs over or behind the front. Finally, relief rainfall is caused by changes in topography. Moist warm air can be forced upward by mountains, for example, which causes the moisture to condense into rain. This type of rainfall occurs on the side of the mountain away from the wind direction.