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Missed mist

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Q: Why didn't the cloud of very fine drops wet us?
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Why are cloud at the top of the troposphere made of ice crystal rather than drops of water?

It is very cold up there, and water droplets freeze into ice.

How can the same cumulonimbus cloud produce rain or hail?

Generally, it's the rain that it produces. However, if during this process the temperature drops to very low, they freeze and fall down as Hails.

What type of cloud is whispy?

A wispy cloud is very fragile, very slight. If even a small breeze touched a wispy cloud, the cloud would disappear.

What cloud signals thunderstorms?

Very dark cloud

What is the meaning of mist?

Visible watery vapor suspended in the atmosphere, at or near the surface of the earth; fog., Coarse, watery vapor, floating or falling in visible particles, approaching the form of rain; as, Scotch mist., Hence, anything which dims or darkens, and obscures or intercepts vision., To cloud; to cover with mist; to dim., To rain in very fine drops; as, it mists.

How can you describe a cumulonimbus cloud?

a very large tall cloud

What causing lighting to form?

Very high electrostatic potential, cloud to earth and cloud to cloud.

How do you do Cookies from Hansel and Gretel on horseisle?

You do it on the biggest Cloud Isle, right above the biggest Cloud Isle. (You take the northwestern teleporter from the point where winchell drops you, then go all east, and you see their house with alot of candy around it) You start talking with gretel. She tells you to go to mother goose to deliver cookies. Go back to the point where winchell drops you with his balloons. Southish you will see a house, where mother goose lives. Now deliver the cookies and your done! - improved by Gothikah, on chessie server.

Can you wash jansport backpacks?

they say its best to wash with a damp cloth...but ive done it with mine and it came out very clean and just fine and didnt mess with the color at all!!:)

What type of cloud did was on Thursday?

on thursday there was a cumulus cloud . this cloud are also called fair weather cloud this clouds have very flat bases

Is there a cloud computing application?

Cloud computing is becoming very popular. There are number of providers for cloud computing. I recommend Microsoft as they are very reputable. Check out their website: .

Why water drops fall from silencer of car?

The silencer is very sad and the water drops are its tears.