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Leopard’s live in the understory layer because they want to

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Q: Why do leopards live in the understory layer of the rainforest?
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What layer of rainforest does leopard live?

They live on the forest floor, in the understory layer.

What layer of the rainforets do leopards live in?

Leopards live on the ground floor of the rainforest. This is called the understory. They do climb medium size trees, however, to rest.

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Bengal tigers live in the understory of the rainforest. They like the constant shade and the leaves in the understory because it keeps them cool.

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Jaguars live in the Understory layer of the Rainforest. This is the second layer up, right above the Forest Floor. It is dark and nearly impenetrable, but still teaming with life. Monkeys, leopards, sloths and a variety of birds also live in this layer.

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The understory

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The floor layer, the shrub layer, and the understory layer

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The floor layer, the shrub layer, and the understory layer

What layer does the frog live in the rainforest?

Frogs sparsely to live in the understory layer along with jaguars and leopards. Most of the frog population live on the canopy layer along with snakes and toucans. it depends on the type of frog your searching.

What layer do Bats live in?

Bats live in the understory layer of the rainforest. The understory is below the canopy and it's much easier for bats to fly in this layer.

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the understory