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The same reason people live in San Francisco

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Q: Why do people continue to live in the shadow of vesuvius?
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Does anyone live near Mount Vesuvius?

Yes. Mount Vesuvius is near Naples, a major city, and is surrounded by smaller communities. Approximately 3 million people live near it.

Would you live in mount vesuvius?

No i would not live in Mount Vesuvius because what if it eruptes again and you have no where to go.

Why do people today still live in Pomeii if they know Vesuvius is still active?

It's a risk they take by choosing to live there.

Who said Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die?

Fritz Perls This is a common aphorism attributed to the Neapolitans who live in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, which could erupt at any time.

Do people live by Mount vesuvius?

Yes. The volcano is in the metropolitan area of Naples, one of the largest in Europe.

How did the vesuvius volcano benefit people living near it?

People live near Mt.vesuvius be cause the soil there is very fertile for farming.

How many people died in the eruption of vesuvius?

More than half of the Pompeii population suffered, if not from suffocating under the stones and ash, most people who stood on the beach awaiting rescue, died from the poisinous gases spewed from Vesuvius.

Do people still live by mount vesuvius?

Yes. The volcano is in the metropolitan area of Naples, one of the largest in Europe.

Why do people want to live near Vesuvius?

because of the fertile which is good for farming and also because they like the view.

One of Italy's live Volcanoes is?


How special is Mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius is most famous of its massive eruption in 79 AD, which destroyed the town of Pompeii. Mount Vesuvius is closely monitored today because 3 million people live near it and could be put at risk by future eruptions.

Is Mount Vesuvius ever going to erupt again?

No. That would be a major news story should it start. Millions of people live in the area around Vesuvius . It is one of the most watched volcanos in the world.