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Photosynthetic means that they synthesize their own food from the light of the sun. Therefore, they have to live near the water's surface so that the light can reach them for photosynthesis.

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Photosynthetic organisms need sunlight for photosynthesis, which is their primary source of energy. By living on or near the surface of aquatic ecosystems, they can capture and utilize the sunlight effectively. This placement allows them to maximize their photosynthetic activity and productivity.

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Q: Why do photosynthetic organisms live on or near the surface of aquatic ecosystems?
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What is the definition of the surface zone?

The surface zone is the top layer of a body of water where there is the most interaction with the atmosphere. It is where light penetrates and where temperature changes are most noticeable. This zone is important for supporting aquatic life and plays a crucial role in the overall health of aquatic ecosystems.

What is the part of the earths surface and atmosphere inhabited by living things?

The biosphere is the part of Earth's surface and atmosphere where living organisms exist. It includes all ecosystems and living organisms, from the depths of the ocean to high in the mountains.

What is it called when rain rolls into a stream?

When rain runoff travels over the surface of the land and enters a stream, it is called surface runoff. This water can carry pollutants and sediment into the stream, affecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems.

What is the ultimate source of energy for nearly all surface terrestrial and shallow water ecosystems?

The ultimate source of energy for nearly all surface terrestrial and shallow water ecosystems is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other autotrophs convert sunlight into chemical energy that is then passed on to other organisms in the ecosystem.

Why is the density of water so important to life earth?

The density of water is important because it allows for the circulation of nutrients and gases in aquatic ecosystems, which are vital for the survival of many forms of life. In addition, water's unique property of expanding as it freezes helps protect underwater organisms by allowing ice to float at the surface, preventing the water below from freezing solid and preserving the ecosystem.

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Are the population of small photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean?

Yes, small photosynthetic organisms like phytoplankton are commonly found near the surface of the ocean where they can access sunlight for photosynthesis. These organisms form the base of the marine food chain and play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.

What photosynthetic organisms found at the surface of the ocean?

The answer to your question is phytoplankton

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The population of small photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean?


What are the small photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean called?


How is the ulothrix algae harmful?

Ulothrix algae can be harmful in aquatic ecosystems because it can form dense mats on the water surface, blocking sunlight from reaching other organisms below. This can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem by reducing oxygen levels and nutrients available to other aquatic species, leading to a decline in biodiversity.

What are the effects of water surface tension on environment?

Water surface tension helps support small organisms and debris on the surface of bodies of water, making it easier for some organisms to move across the surface. However, it can also trap pollutants like oil and chemicals, preventing them from mixing with the water below and making cleanup efforts more challenging. Additionally, surface tension can affect nutrient uptake and gas exchange in aquatic ecosystems.

Are the population of small photosynthetic organism found near the surface of the ocean?

Yes, the photosynthetic organisms are regulated near the surface according to surchams theory, and the microorganisms innterrelated neighbours are found near the focus of the ocean on the oceanic boundary.

What is the definition of the surface zone?

The surface zone is the top layer of a body of water where there is the most interaction with the atmosphere. It is where light penetrates and where temperature changes are most noticeable. This zone is important for supporting aquatic life and plays a crucial role in the overall health of aquatic ecosystems.

What is the part of the earths surface and atmosphere inhabited by living things?

The biosphere is the part of Earth's surface and atmosphere where living organisms exist. It includes all ecosystems and living organisms, from the depths of the ocean to high in the mountains.

Name the organisms that absorb oxygen by diffusion?

Small aquatic organisms like single-celled bacteria, protozoa, and some aquatic invertebrates absorb oxygen by diffusion through their body surface, since they have a high surface area to volume ratio which allows for efficient exchange of gases.

What is the connection between organisms in a stream and the dissolved oxygen level?

Organisms in streams need oxygen to live when lacking dissolved oxygen it will kill these organisms. edit: unless the organisms in the stream are photosynthetic, in which case they will increase the oxygen levels. however, by far, most organisms in a stream are not photosynthetic and oxygenation occurs solely through aeration and surface area dissolving from the air. so, to answer the question, organisms (most organisms which aren't plant-based photosynthetic organisms) decrease the amount of oxygen in a stream. edit: a flowing stream has turbulence which helps aerate the water, increasing dissolved oxygen. In contrast, stagnant water tends to be low in dissolved oxygen, except near the surface. Multicellular animals (like fish) need a good supply of dissolved oxygen to thrive.