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Q: Why do tropical cyclones form over water?
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Related questions

Does a cyclone start at the water?

Not necessarily. Although tropical cyclones can only form over warm ocean water, extratropical cyclones can form over land.

Do tropical cyclones form over land?


Do typhoons form at cold continents?

No. Typhoons are tropical cyclones, and as such can only form over warm ocean water.

Can a tropical cyclone originate over a hot desert?

Tropical cyclones can only form over water. There is not enough hydrologic energy over a desert to begin the cyclonic action.

Is a hurricane likely on a tropical coast or in a polar region far from the ocean?

A tropical coastal area. Hurricanes are tropical cyclones that form over warm ocean water.

Can a hurricane travel thro the world?

No. Hurricanes (also called tropical cyclones) form over warm water and dissolve over land.

What are severe storms that form over tropical oceans?

Hurricanes, typhoons, or cyclones, depending on which part of the world they form.

What is the two bodies of water that the tropical cyclone form?

Most of the Tropical cyclones what affect to the Philippines form over the Caroline Islands area located in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. Some also form in the South China Sea.

Can cyclones form at sea?

That's the only way. Cyclones can only form over warm waters in the tropical regions of the oceans where the sea temperatures are 26.5 degrees Celsius or higher.

What severe storm that forms over tropical oceans?

Hurricanes, typhoons, or cyclones, depending on which part of the world they form.

Is tropical cyclones another way of saying Tornado?

No. A tropical cyclone is a storm such as a tropical storm, hurricane, or typhoon. In other words, a large-scale storm system the develops over warm ocean water. A tornado is a small-scale but intense vortex that is not necessarily tropical and can easily form over land.

Where do hurricanes typically form over?

Hurricanes form over tropical ocean water.